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Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

Military Ministry

Welcome to Freedom's ministry to our military in and around Robins Air Force Base where: 
EDIMGIAFAD "Every Day in Middle Georgia is Armed Forces Appreciation Day".
Freedom Baptist
- "The church with a heart for the military"  "Patsy and I have thought of ourselves as missionaries to the military since surrendering for the ministry in 1976. We know the great atmosphere and love in a military church, especially an overseas church, where your church is your family.  That is the informal, close-family feel we want to always have at Freedom."
Sunday School Ministry - Our 50-lesson study, "Firm Foundation"  Sunday School Curriculum from New Tribes Mission is for the whole family.  Great for the military family, it brings everyone together, studying the same lesson and can even be used for daily family devotions.  There are lessons for children, youth and adults, each learning at their maturity level and level of ability.  This series is great for the remote father or mother because Mom and Dad will be studying right along with all the children.  It's especially nice for Dads who so often lose their place as the head of the home after a year on a remote. This series of lessons have the distinct advantage of keeping everyone on the same path! You'll always have something to discuss to assure the remote parent is in the loop! A tremendous approach to Bible study,  exactly the way the Bible is set up to be studied - to begin:  At the Beginning!
Our Men's Ministry is the perfect opportunity for men to get together casually and share "guy time" and grow as men as they grow in their relationship with God.  This has been a very popular ministry in other churches I've pastored, especially for the man who hasn't attended "church" before or the man who finds it difficult to make conversation or feels uncomfortable in the usual church atmosphere.
Our Ladies Ministry - AFLAME ("All Freedom Ladies Always Ministering Everywhere") is focused on assisting the single female military member or wife.  Its a great way to invite a friend to church where they can meet the ladies and already know someone when they come to their first church meeting. The monthly meetings are a wonderful opportunity to "get away" for a couple of hours and learn a craft, how to organize your life and your home, how to coupon, budget, garage sale, can or freeze fresh vegetables and fruit, or how to be a better lady, wife and mother, etc. There is a different topic each month. The skills learned and enhanced through this ministry will enhance your ability to cope with the challenges of military life. You will also feel more confident within the military community, when having people into your home, whether for a meal, a luncheon, or a bridal or baby shower, etc.  The spiritual gifts exercised and the spiritual lessons learned will be lessons used throughout your life, in all areas of your life.
FUTURE Ministry -  Children's  - AWANA Clubs  Prayerfully, we will have the leaders to begin AWANA, in the school year for children ages two thru 5th grade. Our Children's Ministry - AWANA is a tremendous blessing for the military family always "on the Move!" The children leave their church at their previous duty station and upon arriving at Robins - they can pick up right where they left off in their handbook. This gives continuity, a sense of belonging and security to children who are experiencing a move, whether it's their 1st, their 2nd or their 5th! They know what to expect and anticipate all the fun they are going to have at AWANA Handbook, Game and Council Time!
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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